Press Release

Sound to Summit program wins Project of the Year!

Northwest Youth Corps (NYC) received the prestigious Project of the Year Award from The Corps Network in recognition of NYC’s unique Sound to Summit program. The Corps Network  – also known as the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps – presents this award on an annual basis to select organizations from their membership of more than 140 Corps across the country. Awardees are chosen through a competitive nomination and review process. “This national recognition is a testament to partnership” states Jay Satz, Northwest Youth Corps’ Senior Director for External Affairs. “Mount Rainier National Park staff recognized the value of engaging neighboring urban youth with the park, and Metro Parks Tacoma was looking to expand youth programming that created a sense of neighborhood stewardship. Northwest Youth Corps was able to step in as the connector to create the program model based on our extensive experience running backcountry conservation service crews (40 years) and community based conservation service crews (15 years). The result has been an inspiring program impacting 163 members and leaders (thus far). Northwest Youth Corps is honored to receive this award from The Corps Network.” National Project of the Year Award Info: Project of the Year Awards are presented on […]

Sound to Summit program wins Project of the Year! Read more of this article »

New Urban and Community Forest Crews to serve in OR, WA, and ID

Northwest Youth Corps (NYC) is grateful to receive a $12 million grant from the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act to engage youth and young adults in urban forestry stewardship and education activities in Boise, ID, Eugene, OR, and Tacoma, WA. Working with local partners, NYC will invest $4 million over five years in urban forestry programs in each of the three state program areas. “This grant from the US Forest Service is a remarkable investment in our community”, says Parker.  “Our work over the next five years to increase the health and resilience of our urban forest will further enhance the health benefits of living in these communities. The young people who participate in this paid service initiative will graduate with skills and abilities that will help them advance their goals in the classroom and the workforce.” – Jeff Parker, Executive Director, Northwest Youth Corps Urban forests provide numerous benefits, including: • Reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.• Lowering energy consumption by providing shade and reducing heat island effects.• Improving water quality and reducing stormwater runoff.• Enhancing property values and economic vitality.• Improving public health and well-being. Urban and Community Forest Program Overview for

New Urban and Community Forest Crews to serve in OR, WA, and ID Read more of this article »

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